
24 April 2016: Longest training run EVER!

Today was my final long training run before the Tinker Bell 10k.  My training schedule said that I needed to run/walk 6.5 miles.  I was so dreading this run that I even reached out to my running clinic buddies to see if anyone wanted to go with me.  Coach Toni said she could go – but only in the evening (which didn’t work for me).  I wanted to get it done and over with before it got too hot or wet (rain was forecasted for later today).

So…I was on my own.  I drove over to Memorial Park and warmed up with a short walk – then hit it!  The first mile or so was hard, as usual, but today even more so.  Apparently when I plugged in my TomTom watch to charge last night, I didn’t have it set into the charger properly, so my TomTom watch stopped working at .84 miles.  I took a short walk break, took my phone and glasses out of my running belt, and launched Runkeeper.  I didn’t want to put in all this effort and then not be able to prove that I completed my run!  The weather was cool and a little breezy for the first 2 miles, then the sun came out and it heated up pretty quickly.

I kept running until either my breath ran out or my legs needed a break, then walked – then ran – then walked and so forth.  I continued on until I FINISHED THE ENTIRE 6.5 MILES!   That is the longest distance that I have ever run/walked in my entire life.  WOW!  I’m glad that its over but I’m also glad that I did it.

I’m tired and sore but I’m going to keep moving today so that I don’t seize up.  Although Coach Joan swears by an ice bath, I’m not that brave.  I decided to put my legs into the pool (as its still not too warm yet) instead.  Hopefully that will help.  I am definitely tired and am not looking forward to going up and down the stairs today.

Only 4 more training runs to go, 12 days until I tell my sister and 13 days until the Tinker Bell 10k.


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