beginner, newbie runner, Running

New Year’s advice for newbie runners

Newbie runners – New Year’s Advice.  This advice may be helpful for someone who has NEVER run (like me when I started, aka “Newbie runner”) or someone who is looking to add running to their current fitness routine. 1. SHOES (& socks) – do not start running until you have good running shoes. It will be next to impossible to…

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PB – Four mile run without any walk breaks!

Today was a banner day (PB) for me in my run training.   I wasn’t feeling too great this morning when I awoke.  My sinuses were killing me and I had a bit of a headache.  So the first thing that I did was take some sinus medication.  Then I made some tea and toast with almond butter (which is my…

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05 Dec 2017: Last hot slow run of the season

Today’s slow run at Memorial Park was just difficult.  It was mid-70s with high humidity. While I normally can get my 3 miles in without stopping, today I stopped and walked several times. I had to keep telling myself, “You are not going to die…keep going…keep going…” I finished but it wasn’t pretty. Here are the stats:  2.85 miles, 38:48…

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