
11 Jun 2016: NYRR Mini 10k race recap

My sister signed up for a conference in NYC and we decided to combine that with a girl’s weekend.  So I got a crazy idea in my head that it would be fun to run a race while I was there.  When I started researching options, I found the NYRR Mini-10K race which is run in Central Park.

Package pickup the day before the race was easy and within walking distance from our hotel.  The shirt was a cute tank top!20160610_100129

On race day morning, I got up early, ate a quick breakfast of a roll and a little bit of cheese.  Then I caught the subway to Columbus Circle.  It was only 2 stops away from our hotel.  Fortunately when I got off the subway there was a Starbucks so I was able to buy a small tea to get my caffeine fix.  I was in Corral L – which was the last corral.  It wasn’t too busy when I arrived, but within about 10 minutes it seemed like there were thousands of women!  Later I found out that 8,833 women ran this race.

The course was incredible and the NYRR did a great job with having plenty of portapotties and water stops.  Running up the west side of the Park was pretty easy as it was relatively flat and there was plenty of room.  We entered Central Park at 90th Street and from then on the width was much narrower.  There were a few parts where it was pretty crowded but then it became a good reason to take a short walk break.

Central Park

Mile 4 (starting right about the Mile 3 marker on the above map) was the most difficult part.  There was a huge hill called “Harlem Hill”.  It was steep, a little winding and it was all I could do to walk up it!  At the back of the pack where I was, most everyone walked up this hill.  Some runners heading the other way (downhill!) kept telling us – you’re almost there, but it was a lie!  The hill seemed to go on forever.

After Harlem Hill, the path varied between small hills and flat areas with a few downhills.   Rounding the south end of the park was a good feeling as I knew that the end was near.  Even though I finished in just less than an hour and a half, NYRR cheered all the runners as we passed the finish line.  Each runner received a pink carnation, a MEDAL! and a pink bagel!!  What a great experience.

(For any reader who doesn’t know the history of the Mini 10K, this is a women’s only race.  This year was the 45th year and when it began there were few road races that allowed women to run.  It is part of women’s racing history in the US and this year over 17 Olympian marathoners ran the race.  Now I can’t wait to watch them run in Rio!

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