
20 Mar 2016: First 10k completed PR

Yesterday I ran my first 10k – the Bayou City Classic 2016.  The weather was cool with gusty wind, but once I started running, I warmed up quickly.  I felt pretty good early in the race and I ran the first mile without stopping, then ran/walk the rest of the race.  I was in the “back of the pack” but the runners around me seemed to be about my age – or younger – with many stopping to walk too.  My goal was to simply finish in less than 1 1/2 hours – which I did.   According to my TomTom, I averaged about 13:16 per mile.

My split times were the first half (3 miles) in 41:11.5 (13:15 Pace) and the second half (3.2 miles) in 43:43 (13:40 Pace).  My official chip time was 1:23:28.9 and gun time of 1:24:54.5, which is a 13:26 Pace.

Today is a day of rest.  My right knee is aching along with my back.  My legs were stiff when I woke up this morning, but after a short foam rolling session they feel pretty good.  I need to start doing some strength training once my broken rib heals so that my back troubles will go away.

All in all – it was a good race.  And I loved my race bib # – 1234!


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