I thought today was just another typical morning run. Meaning I didn’t really want to get up out of bed and I certainly wasn’t looking forward to running. In fact, I was kind of thinking to use yesterday’s flu shot as an excuse to just stay in bed a little longer…
BUT, I did get out of bed and drove over to Memorial Park. The weather was sunny and the temperature was just about perfect! It was a little chilly (around 62 degrees) but I warmed up quickly. My goal was to run 3.1 miles without stopping.
I met my goal but here’s the best thing – it was my fastest time in ages! AND my first mile was my slowest mile!! That rarely happens. Normally as I slowly run my 3 miles, I get slower and slower and slower OR on a good day, each mile is about the same speed. It’s not quite negative splits as my second mile was the fastest, but I’m gonna take it as a win. I’m very happy with my run today. Overall, 40:11 minutes, with 12:46 average pace. I’m improving!! And according to my TomTom, it was my fastest 5k to date (although not a PR because my best 5k was before I had a running watch and this wasn’t an official race).