
Summer heat and MAGIC BEANS!

I haven’t been very good lately about posting to this blog.  Can I blame it on the summer heat?  Certainly the heat has been affecting my pace lately and there are some days that I can barely finish my run without feeling like I’m going to collapse.  Each day that I get out to run, I’m simply hoping to finish. …

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2018 running goals…how am I doing?

Life has been crazy busy the last few months.  I’ve kept up with running at least one 5k per month, but the last two months my overall running has slowed down quite a bit.  As the weather gets warmer I find that I just don’t like being outside in the heat.  Since I absolutely HATE the treadmill, it means that…

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Shamrock Strut 5k Houston Race Re-cap

The Shamrock Strut 5k and 10k Houston has been a small charity fun run for the past 33 years hosted by the Houston Eye Association Foundation. The race raises money for adults and children on the verge of losing their eyesight. The money directly supports patient services to help cover: surgical facility fees, vision-saving medications, and other ancillary services necessary…

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Houston Rodeo Run 10k – Race Recap

The Houston Rodeo Run is one of the larger races in Houston. While its not the Houston Half or the annual Marathon – almost 10,000 runners and walkers participate every year. Its more of a “fun” run because it precedes the Rodeo parade downtown so there are lots of people cheering over the 1st mile. Even along the course, some…

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Friday Five

Friday Five 2.0 – Spring fitness goals

Friday Five 2.0 is hosted by bloggers Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness.  This week’s topic is “Spring fitness goals”. This is an easy topic because I’ve already blogged about my 2018 running goals.   So it’s probably a perfect time to update you on how I’m doing so far. 2018 Goals: PR in a 5k:  DONE.  I PR’d during…

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USA Fit Houston

Two runs in one day — that’s a first!

Two runs in one day completed.  Who would have thought that I would ever do that!   A few days ago, my friend Jennifer said she was feeling better and would like to resume running with me on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  (We’ve run together a few times recently and we used to run together as part of the Luke’s Locker training…

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USA Fit Houston first week done!

USA Fit Houston training has been good so far.  I finished my first week of training and I have to admit that it isn’t easy for me.  The first Saturday was the 3 mile time trial and I’ve already blogged about that experience.  Suffice it to say that I spent most of the rest of that day getting warm then…

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fastest run

Double run weekend x2

Double run weekend two weekends in a row! My running schedule has been pretty steady since I first started running.  I run on Tuesdays, Thursdays and once on the weekends.  This seems to be about what my body can handle as I’ve never really been injured and I’ve been running over 2 years now.  For the past 2 weekends, however, I…

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Tuesdays on the Run and 5k race recap

  Tuesdays on the Run Linkup:  (The linkup is hosted by Erika of MCM Mamma Runs, Marcia of Marcia’s Healthy Slice and Patty of My No-Guilt Life.  Don’t forget to visit their sites!!)    The Tuesdays on the Run subject this week is FAVORITE HOMETOWN RACE.  It is difficult for me to choose because I am still a relatively new runner.  I love the…

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Friday Five

Friday Five: My running and blogging anticipations

Friday Five 2.0 Linkup. I confess that this is my first link-up post. Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness are the hostesses of the Friday Five 2.0 linkup and it looked interesting, so I thought I’d try it out. Apparently each week they choose a weekly blog topic and invite other bloggers to also write about the same topic – then…

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