Friday Five

Friday Five: My running and blogging anticipations

Friday Five 2.0 Linkup. I confess that this is my first link-up post. Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness are the hostesses of the Friday Five 2.0 linkup and it looked interesting, so I thought I’d try it out. Apparently each week they choose a weekly blog topic and invite other bloggers to also write about the same topic – then…

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20 October 2015: The beginning…

My sister is amazing and she is a runner.  I’m not sure if she calls herself a runner, but she is.  And she is my inspiration.  She has completed several 5k’s and has signed up for a 5k/10 duo on January 2016 and a 10k/half-marathon in May 2016.   I, however, can’t even run down the street to our YMCA,…

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