
26 Sep 2016: I’m baacckkk!!

I can’t believe its been over a month since I’ve posted.  My life has undergone some changes lately.  My hubby and I now have a 16-year old girl (we call her DD for darling daughter) living with us for the year.  She has changed our lives and routine completely but in a good way!  Our DD is from Germany and is the actual daughter of one of my best friends.  Now we have school schedules, homework, dinner planning and all sorts of excuses that I can use to get out of running.  But

Now we have school schedules, homework, dinner planning and all sorts of excuses that I can use to get out of running.  But fortunately her school is also now the impetus to get back in the groove.  DD has started soccer practice and it meets BEFORE school.  DD needs to be at school for practice on Tues, Wed and Thursdays at 6:15am.   So I’ve decided that I’ll run on Tues and Thurs after I drop her off and on Wed, I’ll lift weights at the gym.

So last week, I ran about 2 miles on Tues, ran 1 mile and lifted weights at the YMCA and ran about 1.5 on Thursday.  Not bad considering I’ve been lazy the last month or two and haven’t really been working out too much.

On Sunday, 9/25, I ran the Run for Recovery race in downtown Houston.  The course was an out and back on Memorial drive and it was brutal.  The temperature was actually not too bad, but the humidity was 100%.  The air was thick and heavy.  Even the better runners in my group didn’t run too fast.  My time was over 43 minutes!!  Today I’m sore and tired but it is a good reminder that I have a lot of work to do before the Star Wars 10k in January.   (And I need to update my race page!)

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