I’ll admit it. I’ve been lazy the last two weeks. My last good run was at Hermann Park with the Luke’s Locker group. It was a good run with both Kathryn and Connie….but it was hot and muggy and exhausting. I was glad that I did it – but I haven’t been very motivated since that day. I tried keeping up on the treadmill but my motivation is very low right now. My fitbit is barely showing 5-6000 steps per day.
I know that life interferes and work interferes. My hubby and I took a nice weekend break to Albuquerque and I didn’t even pack my workout gear. Then I went out of town for work and my workout gear is sitting in my luggage staring at me every time I open my luggage.
And tomorrow I will miss the second week of the current Luke’s Locker training program. I’m still out of town on business and won’t be home until midday. I need to get motivated and get out there. I feel so much better when I run but I just can’t seem to do it!