
28 Feb 2016: Good weekend – 2 runs!

I’m starting to feel much better.  Saturday’s clinic was a 30 minute run and then some strides.  Coach Joan told us to run for 15-16 minutes and then turn around and run back.  On my way out, I was running alone because I’m slower than the “runners” but faster than the run/walkers.

About the 1 mile mark, I was waiting at an intersection and I looked back.  Natalie was just behind me so I waited for her.  She said that the run was “killing her” because she had been sick all week.  I know how that feels.  In fact, Natalie helped give me inspiration one of the first running classes after I got sick.  So we ran the rest of the way together.  It was probably a little slower than I wanted to run, but it felt good helping her push herself (like she did for me about a month ago).

Today (Sunday), I challenged myself to run my first 10k training run.  Gus and I walked 6.0 miles awhile back, but I have never attempted 6.1 miles by myself until today.  Since I only have 2 months until the Tinker Bell 10k, I thought it was time to get started.  So I went to Memorial Park today with a goal of running 6.1 miles.

I walked quite a bit but I finished in 1 hour, 29 minutes.  Pace 14:25. I learned a few things.  I CAN do a 10k without collapsing.  I need water during the run (I had to stop at my car in the middle of my run to grab my water bottle).  Lastly, I may want to think about having more carbs before this length of run (because it takes me so long…)

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